
Suppliers and Customer Proximity

We are strategically located near multiple local sources for scrap steel (Hamilton 50 km, Pittsburgh 400 km) and are within 8 hr delivery to large U.S. and Canadian steel markets (Chicago Ill., NYC , Montreal Que., Charlotte N.C.) as well as 50 km of five access points to the U.S.


We are directly connected to the provincial power grid with a dedicated 115 kV electricity transmission line and multiple major natural gas access points.  We have a closed-loop 10 million gallon per day capacity water treatment facility including an abundant raw water supply through agreement with the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority.

Multi-modal Transportation

ASW Steel has rail access within the facility, major highway access (recently expanded to four lanes – hwy 406), is less than 1 km to ship loading docks along Welland Canal (accessing the Great Lakes and international freight) and 50 km to the port of Hamilton.